Marketing ghouls
Nick Heer: “Spending time on the web does not end with a search query, but it often begins that way. Burying an informative public, open … Read More
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Nick Heer: “Spending time on the web does not end with a search query, but it often begins that way. Burying an informative public, open … Read More
So much of selling a small business boils down to, “Well, you look like you have money.” Here’s what I learned.
When you’re on the Internet there are only two things to do in pursuit of two other things: you can read or watch something, usually in pursuit of knowledge of entertainment.
Now when I think about joining a service group or getting involved in a campaign or some cause, I stop and think, “I’m probably not going to be able to make much difference here.” So I pause and refocus my attention on something else. And even then I’m not very good at that.
I’ve never experienced writer’s block or an inability to put words-to-screen. My problem has more to do with focus.